publications, 2008

51. Malinowski P, Mazej Z, Grochala W
Probing Reactivity of the Potent AgF2 Oxidizer. Part 2: Inorganic Compounds
Z ANORG ALLG CHEM 634(14): 2608-2616 2008 (dedicated to Z. Galus, 75th birthday)


50. Grzybowska D, Malinowski P, Mazej Z, Grochala W
Probing Reactivity of the Potent AgF2 Oxidizer. Part 1: Organic Compounds
COLL CZECH CHEM COMMUN 73(12): 1729-1746 2008 (dedicated to O. Paleta, 70th birthday)

49. Fijalkowski K, Grochala W
The “Magic: Electronic State of High-TC Superconductors
DALTON TRANS (40): 5447 – 5453 2008 (dedicated to C. N. R. Rao)  see also “Charismatic chemistry”


48. Grochala W
Ligation of Aza Bases to the AgF2 molecule: A Theoretical Study
J MOL MODEL 14 (10): 887-890 2008  (in memoriam W. Ochmanski)


47. Kurzydlowski D, Grochala W
Xenon as a Mediator of Chemical Reactions? Case of Scarce Gold Monofluoride, AuF, and Its Adduct With Xenon
Z ANORG ALLG CHEM 634(5): 1082-1086 2008 (dedicated to K. Seppelt)


46. Kurzydlowski D, Grochala W
Elusive AuF in the Solid State As Accessed via High Pressure Comproportionation
CHEM COMMUN (9): 1073-1075 2008 (dedicated to P. A. Schwerdtfeger)


45. Grochala W
Beyond Fluorides: Extension of Chemistry of Divalent Silver to Oxo Ligands
INORG CHEM COMMUN 11(2): 155-158 2008  (dedicated to R. Hoppe and B. G. Müller, commemorating 1957)


44. Jaron T, Grochala W
Prediction of Giant Antiferromagnetic Coupling in Exotic Fluorides of AgII
PHYS STAT SOL B RRL 2(2): 71-73 2008 (dedicated to A. Simon)


43. Grochala W
Greedy Ag2+ Oxidizer: Can Any Inorganic Ligand Except Fluoride Endure Its Presence in Simple Ionic Solids?
J FLUOR CHEM 129(2): 82-90 2008 (dedicated to N. Bartlett, commemorating 1962)


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