35. Grochala W
Is a Non–Transition Element Nitride Ferromagnet Ever Achievable? Indication of the N–N Pairing Instability
CZECH COLL CHEM COMMUN 71(11): 1525-1531 2006 (accelerated communication)
34. Martinez-Canales M, Bergara A, Feng J and Grochala W
Pressure Induced Metallization of Germane
J PHYS CHEM SOLIDS (SMEC 2005 Proceedings) 67(9-10): 2095-2099 2006
33. Maj L, Grochala W
Design of Catalysts for Heterolytic Split of H2
ADV FUNCT MATER 16(16): 2061-2076 2006 see also ‘Hydrogen Dream’ (in Polish)
32. Grochala W
Similarities and differences in electronic structure between Cu(II)/O2– and Ag(II)/F1– infinite layer compounds
SCRIPTA MATER 55(9): 811-814 2006
31. Grochala W
Plasticity of the coordination sphere of Ag2+
PHYS STAT SOL B 243(11): R81-R83 2006
30. Grochala W
Small changes, big consequences
NATURE MATER 5(7): 513-514 2006 (News & Views comment to S. E. McLain et al., Nature Mater. 5(7): 561-566 2006)
29. Jaron T, Grochala W, Hoffmann R
Prediction of Thermodynamic Stability and Electronic Structure of Novel Ternary Lanthanide Hydrides
J MATER CHEM 16(12): 1154-1160 2006 and Supplementary Material
28. Grochala W
Remarks on Catalytic Reduction of CO2, H+ and H2 by Monovalent Ni
PHYS CHEM CHEM PHYS 8(11): 1340-1345 2006 and Supplementary Material, see also inside_cover
27. Feng J, Grochala W, Jaro? T, Hoffmann R, Bergara A, Ashcroft NW
Prediction of Superconductivity in SiH4 at High Pressure – En Route to ‘Metallic Hydrogen’
PHYS REV LETT 96(1): 017006 2006 and Supplementary Material, see also research_highlite
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