Hydrogen for the future
Marie Curie Research Training Network ‘Hydrogen’
The 3rd RTN Meeting
21-25 Oct 2009
Hotel Intercontinental
Conference gallery:
Warsaw RTN 2009, Gallery, Social Activities
Warsaw RTN 2009, Gallery, Conference
Reminders (21.10.09)
Reminders (22.10.09)
Reminders (23.10.09)
Reminders (24.10.09)
Reminders (25.10.09)
Andrew Chruchard “Molecular Catalysts for Hydrogen Stores”
Mariana Derzsi “Lighter balls kicking heavier ones”
Ronald Griessen “Tuning Thermodynamics with elastic constraints”
Florian Le Formal “Solar Driven Water Splittin: Principle and an Example with Hematite”
John A. Turner “Hydrogen Production from Photoelectrochemical Cells: Theoretical Considerations and Experimental Results“