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- 2009: Annex to SPUB grant from Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education /141,400 euro/
- 2008: The TEAM grant from the Foundation for Polish Science, FNP /440,000 euro/
- 2008: EC 6th FP, Annex to Marie Curie Research Training Network ‘Hydrogen’ 3,54 mln euro /141,400 euro/
- 2007: Search for superconductivity in fluorides of Ag and Au, oxocuprates and compounds of noble gases – three small grants (2xBST + KBN) of the Polish State Comittee for Scientific Research /50,000 euro/
- 2006: SPUB grant from Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education /270,000 euro/
- 2006: EC 6th FP, Marie Curie Research Training Network ‘Hydrogen’ 3,54 mln euro /270,000 euro/
- 2005: structural grant for the Laboratory of Technology of Novel Functional Materials /225,000 USD/
- 2002: Hydrogen storage in the solid state – two grants (BW & KBN) of the Polish State Committee for Scientific Research /36,000 USD/
- 2001: Search for superconductivity in doped fluorides of Ag(II) – grant of the Crescendum est Polonia Foundation /61,500 USD/
- 2001: (informal) participant of the EC Project Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Store for Integration into Automobiles (FUCHSIA) /€ 3 mln/