My name is Łukasz Wolański.
Scientific Qualifications and Experience
- 2009-2017 – Ph.D. in chemistry (Doctoral studies in quantum and computational chemistry), Faculty of Chemistry, Wrocław University od Science and Technology [Summary of Doctoral Disseration]
- 2014-2015 – Non-degree Postgraduate Studies: Research and development project manager, Higher School of Banking in Wrocław
- 2006-2012 – M.Sc./M.Eng. in chemistry (analytical and bioinorganic chemistry), Faculty of Chemistry, Wrocław University of Technology
- 2004-2009 – M.Sc./M.Eng. in biotechnology (pharmaceutical biotechnology and bioinformatics), Faculty of Chemistry, Wrocław University of Technology
Scientific Positions
- 09.2022-08.2026 – Postdoctoral Associate (co-investigator in ‘OPUS 21: CHEMCAP’ grant from the National Science Centre, Poland), Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw
- 09.2017-08.2019 – Postdoctoral Associate (co-investigator in ‘OPUS 11: Hi-OX’ grant from the National Science Centre, Poland), Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw
- 01.2011-09.2014 – Co-investigator in research task supported by Wroclaw Research Centre EIT+ under the project Biotechnologies and advanced medical technologies – BioMed (POIG.01.01.02-02-003/08) financed from the European Regional Development Fund, Faculty of Chemistry, Wrocław University of Technology
- 11.2010-09.2015 – Research and Teaching Assistant (part-time), Faculty of Chemistry, Wrocław University of Technology
- Ł. Wolański, W. Grochala, Quadripartite bond length rule applied to two prototypical aromatic and antiaromatic molecules, J. Mol. Model. 2023, 29, 95. DOI
- J. Gawraczyński, Ł. Wolański, A. Grzelak, Z. Mazej, V. Struzhkin, W. Grochala, Phase Transitions and Amorphization of M2AgF4 (M = Na, K, Rb) Compounds at High Pressure, Crystals 2022, 12, 458. DOI [Editor’s Choice]
- Ł. Wolański, M. Metzelaars, J. van Leusen, P. Kögerler, W. Grochala, Structural Phase Transitions and Magnetic Superexchange in MIAgIIF3 Perovskites at High Pressure, Chem. Eur. J. 2022, 28, e202200712. DOI [Cover]
- Ł. Wolański, M. Domański, W. Grochala, P. Szarek, PtX as the limit of high oxidation states in oxide-nitride species, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 13137-13140. DOI
- M. Domański, Ł. Wolański, P. Szarek, W. Grochala, The high covalence of metal-ligand bonds as stability limiting factor: the case of Rh(IX)O4+ and Rh(IX)NO3, J. Mol. Model. 2020, 26, 52. DOI [Invited Paper, special issue]
- Ł. Wolański, M. Domański, W. Grochala, P. Szarek, Beyond Oxides: Nitride as a Ligand in a Neutral IrIXNO3 Molecule Bearing a Transition Metal at High Oxidation State Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 10290-10293. DOI [Cover, Hot Paper]
- Ł. Wolański, D. Grabarek, T. Andruniów, Is the choice of a standard zeroth‐order hamiltonian in CASPT2 ansatz optimal in calculations of excitation energies in protonated and unprotonated schiff bases of retinal?, J. Comput. Chem. 2018, 39 1470–1480. DOI
- D. Tuna, D. Lefrancois, Ł. Wolański, S. Gozem, I. Schapiro, T. Andruniów, A. Dreuw, M. Olivucci, Assessment of Approximate Coupled-Cluster and Algebraic-Diagrammatic-Construction Methods for Ground- and Excited-State Reaction Paths and the Conical-Intersection Seam of a Retinal-Chromophore Model, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2015, 11, 5758–5781. DOI
- [talk] 65th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Polish Chemical Society, Toruń, PL, 18-22 IX 2023
- [poster] 9th conf. on Modeling and Design of Molecular Materials, Gdańsk, PL, 19-22 IX 2022
- [talk, online participation] 58th European High Pressure Research Group International Conference, Tenerife, Spain, 6-11 IX 2020
- [talk] 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Polish Chemical Society, Warsaw, PL, 2-6 IX 2019
- [talk] 19th European Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry, Warsaw, PL, 25-31 VIII 2019
- [poster] 8th conf. on Modeling and Design of Molecular Materials, Polanica-Zdrój, PL, 24-28 VI 2018
- [poster] 7th conf. on Modeling and Design of Molecular Materials, Trzebnica, PL, 26-30 VI 2016
- [poster] 6th conf. on Modeling and Design of Molecular Materials, Kudowa-Zdrój, PL, 29 VI – 3 VII 2014
- [poster] 56th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Polish Chemical Society, Siedlce, PL, 16-20 IX 2013
- [poster] 5th conf. on Modeling and Design of Molecular Materials, Wrocław, PL, 10-14 IX 2012
- [talk] 9th Students Science Conference, Będlewo, PL, 7-9 X 2011
- [talk] 8th Students Science Conference, Szklarska Poręba, PL, 23-25 VIII 2010
- [poster] EURASNET Interdisciplinary Focus Meeting “Frontiers in Structural Biology of RNAs and RNPs”, Poznań, PL, 16-18 VIII 2010
- [poster] 4th conf. on Modeling and Design of Molecular Materials, Wrocław, PL, 4-8 VII 2010
- [poster] 4th conf. on Modeling Interaction in Biomolecules IV, Hruba Skala, CZ, 14-19 IX 2009
- [talk] 7th Students Science Conference, Wrocław, PL, 18-20 V 2009
Teaching Qualifications and Experience
- 2016-2018 – Non-degree Postgraduate Qualification Studies: Teaching of Mathematics at Schools of All Types, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Wrocław
- 2014 – Teacher’s professional degree “Nauczyciel kontraktowy”.
- 2012-2014 – Non-degree Postgraduate Qualification Studies: Pedagogics for Teachers (Teaching qualifications for all non-academic schools: primary, middle and secondary/high schools), University School of Physical Education in Wrocław
- 2011-2012 – Qualification Course: University Didactics (Teaching qualifications for higher education/universities), Wrocław University of Technology
- 2006-2012 – Master of Science (MSc), Eng in chemistry (analytical and bioinorganic chemistry), Faculty of Chemistry, Wrocław University of Technology
Teaching Positions
- 08.2020-08.2022 Physics Teacher, ‘Azymut’ Primary School and Academic Secondary School/High School of ‘Sternik’ Foundation in Pruszków
- 10.2015-08.2017 – Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics Teacher, H. Steinhaus Middle School No. 1 in Wrocław [Gimnazjum nr 1 we Wrocławiu im. H. Steinhausa]
- 10.2015-05.2017 – Chemistry and Physics Teacher (Preparing students for Matura exam (extended level), `Symposio` Educational Centre [Centrum Edukacyjne “Symposio”], Wrocław
- 09.2014-08.2015 – Chemistry Teacher, Academic Secondary/High School of Wrocław University of Technology [Akademickie Liceum Ogólnokształcące Politechniki Wrocławskiej]
- 02.2012-01.2013 – Chemistry Teacher, `Polishing diamonds – innovative programs to support gifted students` Project, Foundation for International Education [Fundacja Edukacji Międzynarodowej]
- 11.2010-09.2015 – Research and Teaching Assistant (Conducting courses: Physics I – classes, Physics II classes, Physical Chemistry – classes & laboratory, Principles of Bioinformatics – computer laboratory, Data Processing and Visualisation – computer laboratory), Wrocław University of Technology
- 09.2009-02.2011 – Chemistry Teacher, `Innovative education – remedial classes and extracurricular activities for students of Secondary School (Lyceum) No. VII in Wroclaw (WND-POKL.09.01.02-02-282/08)` Project, Secondary School No. VII in Wrocław [VII Liceum Ogólnokształcące we Wrocławiu]
Other activities
- scientific lectures for students science clubs
- scientific lectures during editions of Lower Silesian Science Festival in years 2011-2015
Other Professional Activities
- 11.2010-09.2015 – Advisor of Vice-Rector for Education, Wrocław University of Technology (WUT)
- 09.2012-08.2014 – Member WUT Academic Senate,
- 11.2011-11.2012 – Vice-President, WUT Graduate Student Government
- 04.2011-12.2011 – Vice-President, `Manus` Foundation
- 10.2008-09.2010 – Vice-President for Teaching and Material Assistance (Student representative and spokesman; management and co-organization of events including mass events; teamwork and human resources management; financial aid advisor for students), WUT Student Government
- 09.2006-08.2010 – Member of WUT Faulty of Chemistry Council
- 09.2008-08.2010 – President of WUT Faculty of Chemistry Students Government
- 10.2008-09.2010 – Member of the supervisory board of `Manus` Foundation
- 2010-2016 – Organizing Committee Member of `Modeling and Design of Molecular Materials` Scientific Conferences.